The mokoro excursion is a highly popular activity for Moremi and Khwai among guests who travel to Botswana. It is an opportunity to completely experience the sounds and sights of nature without running the risk of frightening off animals with a motor and is therefore a highly recommended expedition for photographers. Guides that command the mokoro are highly knowledgeable about the natural environment making these trips safe and enjoyable.

The mokoro is a traditional canoe-like vessel commonly used in the Okavango Delta by locals as a popular mode of transport, and now utilised for game viewing safaris. It has become the iconic symbol of the Delta and is a popular way for visitors to explore the Okavango while on safari. It usually carries one or two passengers, while the boat-man stands at the stern using a long pole called a “ngashi”. The poler uses his/her ngashi to
push and steer you through the tranquil waterways of the Khwai river, because the ngashi is so quiet through the water, animals feel safe coming to the water’s edge for their afternoon drink.

Some guests have described a mokoro trip as one of the most peaceful experiences they have had. Imagine gliding through waterways created by hippos that mirrors the sky above, brushing past tall reeds which are home to a variety of tiny brightly coloured painted reed frogs, and approaching an Elephant – ear deep in the water happily cooling off. Imagine witnessing an amazing variety of birdlife from the African fish eagle to the lesser Jacana, or catching a glimpse of Lechwe or a rare Sitatunga feeding by the water edge.